FTCCI CEO Forum’s interactive meeting on "Peace, Prosperity, Progress in Business Arena" held at Park Hyatt in Banjara Hills Hyderabad on Wednesday evening
Anjani Kumar, IPS,
Director General of Police, Telangana State Drr. Rajat Kumar, IAS, Special Secretary, I & CAD Department, Govt of Telangana and Sri Venkat Jasti, MD, Suven Pharma Ltd graced and spoke in the interactive meeting.
Mr. Anil Agarwal, President of FTCCI and Mr K Bhaskar Reddy, Convenor of the FTCCI CEO Forum, Ms Khyati Narawane, CEO of FTCCI also participated.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Rajat Sharma said that if Telangana has done well in the last eight years, it was due to inclusive policies of the government that contributed to the peace of the state, prosperity and progress.
Telangana has performed well on all the parameters of development, he added
Trade, Geography and Institution are the three deep drivers of development. And economists always ask what leads to growth. The basic causes of economic development are these, he added.
Talking about the cost of doing business the senior bureaucrat of the state said it is only natural that the cost of doing business will certainly go up with increasing prosperity and the only way of countering it is to match it with higher production.
The first letter that is common in all three words of the theme for evening interaction is "P" and I wondered while entering this hall whether they were possible without the fourth "P" the police. 70 years after Independence, our motherland India stands tall with its head high, because of economic growth. It is this economic growth that is the foundation for peace. Whether peace or war, economic development matters, said Anjani Kumar.
The GDP of the world in the past 4000 years hardly changed. But it changed drastically in the last couple of decades, the senior most cop of the state added.
He highlighted, to have Peace, Prosperity and Progress, economic development, inclusive growth and adaptation to new technology are key.
We need peace right from home to the workplace, peace with colleagues, employees, and business partners. That in turn brings prosperity. Peace and prosperity are interconnected. Mr Venkat Jasti said. Peace plays a role in economic growth and he gave examples of Kashmir and Pakistan. And agreed with the previous speaker that Geography also makes a huge difference to all three parameters of development.
Welcoming the gathering Anil Agarwal, President of FTCCI said, Peace, Prosperity and Progress are the three pillars of development for the growth of society, state and country. Peace is the foundation for prosperity and progress. And there is no peace without prosperity. Prosperity fulfils the needs of citizens.
Giving the theme address, Bhaskar Reddy said the interactive meeting was curated to learn and share knowledge, and wisdom from a well-learned and eminent panel of speakers.
He recalled how KT Rama Rao once interpreted that peace of doing business was more important than the popular belief of ease and cost of doing business. He observed that the state has progressed on all fronts in the last seven years.
Khyati Narawane, CEO of FTCCI facilitated the interactive meeting and added that speakers were chosen to leave a lasting impact on 150 CEOs assembled in the hall
Meela Jayadev, and Suresh Singhal, the Vice Presidents, BP Acharya, the Chief Advisor, Past Presidents of FTCCI, and Diplomats as CEOs of various companies participated in the meeting.