Many ones use these two words, as synonyms of each other. BUt, AIM and OBJECTIVE are NOT SAME. These are two different terms and are used in different contexts and refer to different things.
Let us try to understand :
What is the AIM?
The aim is to set a determined course in order to achieve a set target. Aims are usually long-term. Aims can be called as long-term goals.
What is the OBJECTIVE?
The objective is actually a part of the goal. Objectives are more concrete and are clearly defined by certain steps that will eventually allow the person to fulfill that particular goal.

Aim refers to a determined course of action, while objective refers to clearly defined steps that will eventually allow the person to fulfill that particular goal.
Aims determine a set course or a target at the end that a person wants to reach. The aim can also be used to describe how determined a person is to reach a certain point in their life?
Aims require determination and persistence, it requires that the person stay on a set path and complete the requirements to reach that aim at the end. The aim is pretty vague and does not state what the person will do, it just states what a person wants or sees at the end of the line.
e.g. The person aims to acquire the required doctorate to become a doctor.
The Free Dictionary defines ‘aim’ as:
To direct toward or intend for a particular goal or group.
To determine a course or direct an effort.
To propose to do something; intend.

The objective is actually a part of the goal. The term objective refers to set tasks or goals that a person wishes to accomplish. Objectives are more concrete and are clearly defined by certain steps that will eventually allow the person to fulfill that particular goal. Objectives can be termed as small guidelines that help achieve the goal at hand. They can also be used for motivation purposes. Objectives are often short-term and have a limited amount of time frame.
They have three parts to it:
What do I want?
What is the time frame to achieve it?
What are the available resources?
One can measure the Objectives, more easily than the goals. As objectives are more realistic . defines ‘objectives’ as:
Something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target.
The aim is the answer to What I want? , whereas the Objective is How to achieve it?
Objectives are the 'medium' to achieve your Aim.