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Webinar on I4.0 DEMYSTIFYING FOR MSEs, by Mr. M. Krishna

Poona Divisional Productivity Council, Pune (PDPC) in association with Pune Management Association (PMA) and Entrepreneurs International, announce a webinar on -


- Practical Approach & Application,

by Mr. M. Krishna. "


24th August, 2021

7.30 PM - 8.30 PM

Understanding I4.0, Al, ML fundamen­tals, relating to MSME sector applications, specifically into manufacturing

  • Concepts and Clarity from MSME perspective,

  • Resource requirements,

  • User interface and ease of operability

  • Profitability impact using I4.0

Practical application examples in an actual manufacturing environment of MSME.

  • Preparing yourself for transformation

  • Current state & Future state map­ ping

  • Implementation roadmap into a manufacturing setup.

  • Managing resources

Useful to :

MD , Owners, CEO of SMEs, Decision Influencers, Manufacturing Experts, Engineering Expert, IT Expert

Resource Person:

Mr. M Krishna.

Over 25 years as CEO with diversified MNC manufacturing entities in India.

Expert in Technology and Process for SMEs

Currently on the board of US-based Management and Technology consulting firm.

How to participate in the webinar :

Registration Link:

Special offer-

The participant for the webinar can identify a small digitalization project from their organization and communicate to PDPC/PMA. Consultancy would be offered to one or two selected projects for Small/medium organizations FREE of COST.

For more details, please connect -



Phone– 020-24212458/24225541/24226918

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