Poona Divisional Productivity Council, Pune (PDPC)
in association with
Pune Management Association (PMA)
Webinar on
" IoT Application in Manufacturing
and Industry 4.0 "
The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, 15th Feb. 2022, from 7.30 PM to 8.30 PM.
Post pandemic Digitization and Automation is being considered as one of the Prerequisites of Growth and sustainability o the business. Several Terms Industry 4.0, Internat of Things, artificial intelligence, machine learning are in use.
Resource Person :

Mr. Anirudhha Barve.
Business Consultant with 20 years of experience in the IT and Manufacturing industry. Specialized in New Product Development, System Engineering, Certified Functional Safety Engineer by TUV SUD.
Participants might get an overview, know the Challenges, and Opportunities Industry 4.0 is bringing in us. Also, the session will cover the areas like Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, associated with the topic
Useful to :
Students and professionals, working in manufacturing, logistics and software development, related to manufacturing.
How to participate in the webinar :
Confirm registration through the link - https://tinyurl.com/2662u7tn

For more details, please connect -
E-mail– head@pdpcpune.com, hr@pdpcpune.com, punemanagementassociation@gmail.com
Website– www.pdpcpune.com , www.PuneManagement.org.in
Phone– PDPC : 020-24212458, 020-24225541, 020-24226918. PMA : 020-25533859, 9423001286